Trabadelo to Cebreiro 17km/10.5m Total 617km/383m October 22 2018 Day 29

So we left Trabadelo and it was up the hill to O Cebreiro. We asended 1968 feet in elevation over nine miles. We were definitely on top of hill almost. We also enter the province of Galicia.

But Galicia is much more than Santiago. The wild coastline is frayed up and down its 1200km length by majestic rías (coastal inlets), and strung with cliffs, beaches, islands and fishing ports – which bring in arguably the best seafood in Europe. Inland is a labyrinth of deep-green valleys, speckled with stone villages, medieval monasteries and age-old vineyards. And as you travel you’ll repeatedly run into reminders of Galicia’s unique cultural identity: the sound of bagpipes, the wayside cruceiros (carved-stone crosses), the castro fort-villages of Galicians’ Celtic ancestors.

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